Sunday, 24 October 2010

Our new idea

Because of the drama that has happened within the group, we have decided to change our idea.

The video we will be making will be circled around a break-up. Some idea's we have are to look at the negatives at a break-up and have the singer crying and feeling sorry for herself.

The video will be following Liv walking around streets and going to certain places around the town that have meaning for her, when she gets to those places there will be a flashback of her and her ex-boyfriend looking happy and having fun, showing the contrast between how she was and how she is now. The flashbacks will be shown in a different colour, preferably black and white, so the audience are aware it isn't present day. We got some ideas from these videos:

Hair, Make-Up, Costume

Because this song is depressing, we feel that hair, make-up and costume should be simple.

Liv's hair will be simple, like how hair is everyday, either curly, wavy or straight. I feel that if her hair is straight on the negative scenes it fits because straight is simple and dull compared to wild and curly hair. Her hair will look nice at the start of the video, but as she gets more frustrated and upset she'll run her fingers through her hair and tug on it which will make it look more messy to get the negative emotion across. In the flashback scenes Liv's hair will be wild and curly to show her flamboyant and happy side across to the audience.

At the start of the video, Liv will have full make-up on and as the video goes on, the make-up will get smudged and cryed out. the make-up she is wearing at the start of the video will be very over the top and thick i.e. false eyelashes etc. We got an idea of this from this video:

On the flashback shots Liv will have nice make-up, this symbolises her emotions and allows the audience realise she is happy.

Costume will be black and simple, again reflecting her emotion at the time. Black is a colour assosiated with death and negativity which is why it will be used in our video to project how Liv is feeling at that moment in time. An example of this is:

The flashback scenes will be a contrast to this because Liv will be wearing lots of colourful clothes showing she is happy, contrasting how she is feeling at present time.

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