Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Jordan Bearpark A2 Evaluation

Question 1

Question 2

evaluation question 2

Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Whilst planning our product we were constanlty being given feedback from our peers, teachers and people ousdie of school.

When wehad to change our initial idea because of falling outs within the group, we were advised to and decided to make a really simple video that would be easy to plan, make and evaulate.

Both Mr Smith and Mr Ford made us realise that the time we had left to redo all the research and planning, make the video and evaluate the video is very limiting so they helped us make a decision as to what song to use and what to do for the shots etc.

After we made our draft, both Mr Ford and Mr Smith commented on how poor our lighting was because you could see a lot of shadowing around Livs head and because Laura was holiding the lamp you could see the light moving. Miss Sutton then showed us a video on youtube about 3-point-lighting and this then helped us improve our lighting for our final video.

For our draft we had a lot of cross cutting between different shots. We had the main video of Liv singing with no make up on and then cross cuts of Liv taking her make up off crying, not lip syncing. But Mr Smith commented that the make up was too extremeand wasn't realistic so it contradicted the message that conveyed in the video. Mr ford commented on the cross cuts and how they didn't work because it made the video lack flow. Therefore, we made the video all one continuous shot, and we toned the make up down a lot to make it seem omre realistic.

After we did this, both teachers and our peers agreed that the video worked really well and there is a clear, stron message being portrayed.

Question 4

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