Friday, 5 November 2010

The New Idea and Evaluation

After looking at our first draft there are some elements which we think need improvement, after analysing the feedback we had we realised one or two things needed to be changed (especially the make-up) when we did the final piece.

Here is the feedback;
"I think the makeup is slightly over the top, and doesn't look realistic for the video"
"I like the makeup and think the more dramatic for a music video the better"

"I don't think you need to wear the black scarf around your head you could just with the headband and scarf"
"I like all of your accessories and think you should keep them all"

As you can see we received a varied response but after much discussion we have decided to use less makeup but still keep the makeup dramatic. After some research I found some images of women in a magazine and was inspired by their makeup, the pictures are above.
I like the dramatic makeup the lady is wearing and the way she has done her hair, I like the red lipstick and the sleek eyes. Hopefully we can make our makeup more subtle but still have a dramatic look.

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